Are you maximizing E-rate reimbursements?

We estimate that the revenue / expense reduction combination opportunity for New Jersey school districts for E-rate process management improvements, appeals of prior years denied funding; over-billing recapture and bill reduction opportunities could approach $50,000,000.00.

Recapture Technologies Corporation, with offices in Fairfield, NJ; Exton, PA; and Maitland, FL; is an experienced K-12 educational consulting firm offering a comprehensive array telecommunications services including E-rate process management, over-billing recapture and bill reduction. These services are designed to optimize E-rate reimbursement, lower monthly recurring costs and recover funds lost due to billing errors. 

 RTC’s services are highly regarded for both their client focus and comprehensiveness. We "snapshot" your existing telecommunications landscape, seeking to optimize cost/performance ratio of the current design, while taking both a retrospective view of possible recapture as well as a forward view toward recurring cost reduction.

 We have uncovered in one New Jersey District approximately $5.2 million in un-reimbursed E-rate entitlements over the prior several years. An urban district was the beneficiary of RTC’s successful appeal with USAC to have the invoicing deadline for the 2006-2007 funding year extended, and a check written to this District in excess of $235,000.

 We discovered in another New Jersey District $925,000 in un-reimbursed E-rate entitlements over the prior four years.  RTC was successful in its appeal to the FCC of in excess of $33,000 in denied E-rate funding for New Brunswick schools, and eighteen other districts.

 E-rate application review personnel have been additionally tasked this year with the Selective Review Process (SRP); and reviews have been heightened with additional focus on compliance with multi-year contract restrictions and adherence to bid requirements for services. Don't risk losing possible funding. Be certain your telecommunications and Internet charges are accurate and you are receiving maximum allowable reimbursements under the E-rate program.

 Unlike some other providers, we have a wide spectrum of service offerings, from our preparation of forms relying on your provision of necessary data, to a "we do it all for you" methodology.  When a client prefers the latter methodology, we commence our process by completing a comprehensive inventory of all services currently being used in your School District.  This allows us to identify all services that are E-rate eligible and accurately determine the annual cost. 

Many schools filing on their own, or feeding information to remote data entry personnel, do not include all possible services, thereby reducing the amount of reimbursement dollars. Others are being over-billed, and file for reimbursement based on erroneous invoicing. Recapture Technologies strives to ensure that all eligible services are billed correctly and included for reimbursement.

Pricing is dependent upon the number of locations for which we file, and can be hourly, or based on a percentage of reimbursement, or both. Most believe their costs are more than recovered with increased reimbursements. We would be delighted to explain our value proposition and pricing alternatives.

Today's School Business Administrator will serve the District well by reviewing these and related questions:

  • Do you participate in the E-rate Program?
  • Have you applied for E-rate funding in all of the categories from which funding is available?
  • Are you paying for lines that are no longer in service?
  • Are you paying for features that you are not using?
  • Are you using a carrier that offers services that the School District requires at a competitive price?
  • Are you currently receiving the best rate and/or discount plans offered by the carriers in use?
  • Are all of your lines with the correct carrier?

The Universal Service Fund

  • The Universal Service Fund was established by the Federal Communications Commission under the Clinton Administration to subsidize telephone services to low income households and Public Schools and Libraries.
  • All residential and business telephone clients pay a monthly surcharge for each line in use as well as an additional surcharge for all long distance calls made out of state.
  • Public Schools are eligible for either reimbursements or discounts on their current and future telecommunications expenses. The current funding rates are between 20% and 90% and are determined by the total number of students who receive free school lunches through the National Free School Lunch Program compared with the total number of students at each school entity number.
  • In order to receive funding from the Universal Fund each school must file for E-rate.

The E-rate Process

  • The E-rate Process is determined by the Schools & Libraries Division (SLD).
  • The current process includes several forms that must be filed in order to receive funding.
  • The current services that are eligible are: telecommunications services, internet services, long distance service, telephone equipment, computer equipment and computer training.

School & Libraries website:

Form 470

  • The Form 470 is the initial form that is filed to begin the E-rate process.
  • The deadline for filing is October or November prior to the start of the funding year.
  • The Form 470 is essentially a Request For Proposal for all services in use or additional services being requested for each funding year.
  • The only services that are eligible for funding are services that are not under a current contract with any Service Provider or services that are under contract and were listed on a previous Form 470.
  • The Schools & Libraries Division will confirm the acceptance of the form in a letter.

Form 471

  • The Form 471 cannot be filed until at least 28 days after the Form 470 is filed. The deadline is usually in January or February prior to the start of the funding year.
  • The Form 471 is a detailed listing of all services currently in use and services being requested for the funding year.
  • There is an attachment that goes along with the Form 471 that must include a detailed cost description for all services.
  • The Form 471 determines the funding amounts that each school is eligible to receive.
  • The Schools & Libraries Division will confirm the acceptance of the form in a letter.

Form 486

  • The Form 486 is filed to notify the Schools & Libraries Division (SLD) that the services requested on the previous forms have been installed or are scheduled to be installed.
  • The Form 486 also notifies the Schools & Libraries Division to begin payment and that all services are in compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
  • The Form 486 must be filed within 120 days of service start date by end of October or within 120 days of funding commitment letter.

The Schools & Libraries Division will confirm the acceptance of the form in a letter. In addition, confirmation will be sent to notify the School District of the type of funding. The School District can either receive a discount directly applied to the invoices of each Service Provider or be required to file Form 472 for reimbursement

Form 472 BEAR

  • The Form 472 is required to be filed if the funding approved by the Schools & Libraries Division (SDL) will be in the form of a reimbursement.
  • The Form 472 must be accompanied by actual invoices from all Service Providers.
  • The Form 472 is filed on a periodic basis as determined by each School District.
  • The Form 472 can be filed quarterly or bi-annually. Smaller School Districts can usually file on a bi-annual basis, while larger School Districts are advised to file on a quarterly basis.

Please call 732-449-7440, or e-mail  to find out just how economically Recapture Technologies Corporation can facilitate your E-rate funding process, reduce your telecommunications costs, and make the entire process effortless for you.

 Telecommunications Cost Optimization Review:

Many districts are not aware that this type of service is available, that they are likely being overcharged by their phone company, or that there are ways to reduce cost without having to switch providers.

Statistics show that carriers have decreased their customer service centers by 65% over the past three years. In some cases, personnel have been replaced by Internet customer care centers. It has been estimated that as many as three out of every four bills contained billing errors of some kind - with 95% of them in favor of the carriers. 

Examples of over-billing include charges for lines, equipment, or services that you do not have, or did not order, as well as inaccurate rate or tariff application, and invalid taxation.

 We do not take up your valuable time.  Our investigation is done utilizing telephone or utility company records.  A letter of authorization (LOA) gives us access to your records within the providing company.  All information we receive is held in the strictest confidence.  Your involvement is minimal.  Our efforts may result in two positive outcomes for your district: one could be the receipt of refunds or credits for discrepancies in billing; the other a permanent reduction in your basic monthly service charges.

The total cost to the School District, for the telecommunications cost optimization review, and for the E-rate process management, should  be more than completely offset with anticipated E-rate reimbursement increases, telecommunications bill reduction and over-billing recapture dollars. 

Outsourced Telecommunications Services:

Our suite of consultative services also includes outsourced telecommunications management services similar to that employed at New Brunswick Public Schools, who report that our cost containment specialists were successful in finding additional budgetary savings over three fiscal years approaching $1,300,000, by virtue of optimizing reimbursements via the E-rate program, recapture of over-billings and related cost optimization recommendations.

Recapture Technologies can perform these same services that are in use at New Brunswick, at a flat monthly fee for service, to include the following:

  1. Monthly bill review - This service allows the School District to no longer be burdened with having to review and approve the high number of carrier invoices. Recapture Technologies can review carrier invoices to ensure accuracy, dispute any billing issues that are found and notify the School District that invoices are correct and eligible to be paid.


  1. On-going order and repair management- Recapture Technologies can act as the single point of contact for all telecommunications issues that the Board of Education may encounter.  Repair issues can be reported to us and we will work with the carrier and escalate the issues as appropriate.  New lines or changes to existing lines can also be initiated through us and we will work with the appropriate carrier to ensure that the services are installed and billed correctly.


Please call 732-449-7440 to find out just how economically Recapture Technologies Corporation can facilitate your E-rate funding process, streamline costs and make the entire process far more manageable for you.